
There Is No King

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GrimReapette's avatar

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Something was most definitely wrong with King Noreat.  In all of his years of service Damien had never seen the King act at all in this way.  First of all, the King hadn't had any overnight guests since he returned to Dwal.  Secondly, the King was constantly asking if Everett had arrived.  Thirdly, the King had not had any overnight guests in nearly four months.  Was he ill?  Did he contract some sort of sexually transmitted disease in Entity?  No, he couldn't have.  When the King returned to Dwal Damien had sent him straight to the Healers, and they claimed that Noreat was healthier than ever.

And yet King Noreat had been acting…erratically recently.  When they first arrived home Noreat had been receiving letters from King Zephyr, through a talking hawk named Everett.  Apparently talking birds carrying letters were normal in Entity.  Every time the bird appeared Noreat would take his letter and send everyone out of his room, since he only ever wrote letters to Zephyr alone.  For two months this was commonplace.  Everett would appear every two weeks or so, stay a day or two, and then leave with a letter from Noreat to Zephyr.  However, for the last two months the bird had not appeared even once.  This was driving King Noreat almost mad, which was a radical departure from King Noreat's usual demeanor.  What was even more bothersome was the fact that Damien was starting to think that perhaps Noreat valued Zephyr above his other conquests.  This of course was impossible if one knew Noreat the way Damien did.  

After working for the King for so long Damien had learned quite a bit about Noreat.  To be frank, he knew that Noreat was not the type of man who was satisfied with anything.  What King Noreat had was never enough, and so he constantly sought something different, something shiner, something that presented a new challenge.  This concept of constantly wanting more applied to everything in the King's life, from clothing to décor to company.  Case in point: Noreat never obsessed over one person.  And yet, as Damien sifted through his memories of the last four months he found that the King was very much preoccupied with one person on his mind: Zephyr Faulkes of Geofek.

What was even more maddening was the fact that perhaps the King was falling into a worrisome depression brought on by the fact that Everett had not visited Dwal in the last two months.  The first month of the bird's absence Damien noticed that his King was acting normally for the most part.  Maybe the King was more on edge, and maybe he watched the sky a bit more than usual, but he still acted like himself.  During this second month of silence however, Noreat's mood shifted.  He was now more irritable and impatient than usual.  The King constantly asked if Everett had arrived and when he was told "no" he would start yelling at servants as if it was their fault the hawk had not arrived.  A couple had been sent to the Tower too, poor things.

Today, Damien found himself staring at the sky, waiting for the shadow of Everett to dart across the endless expanse of blue above him.  While he was positive he probably looked mad to others he was determined to watch for Everett.  The bird had to appear eventually and Damien had to get a look at one of those letters Zephyr had sent Noreat.  Perhaps they were more than the "unofficial business" King Noreat claimed them to be.  Hours ticked by as Damien watched for the blasted creature, but to no avail.  It was midday and Everett had still not arrived.  Something was very wrong.

Sitting outside watching the sky for talking birds would not help Damien, and it most certainly would not help the King.  Damien was not going to let his King sit in his palace and lash out at everyone just because he missed someone (if he even could miss an individual).  The magician jumped out of his seat and went straight for the King's quarters.  He had to speak with King Noreat.  He was going to get to the bottom of all this madness!  The magician slipped inside the palace and one of the servants told him the King was still in his room.  That was also incredibly unlike the King, since Noreat was not the type of man to sit inside all the time.  Damien went up to the King's room a knocked a few times.
"I am in no mood to entertain guests," Noreat called from inside.

"I hardly think I qualify as a guest, your Majesty," Damien answered.

"Damien?  What do you want?"

"Not to speak through the door if at all possible."

Silence for a moment, and then Damien heard a chair move and some shuffling.

"Fine, you may enter…" the King did not sound especially enthused.

Even if Noreat was not in the mood to see him, Damien was granted permission and he slipped inside the King's room quickly and quietly.  The King was sitting in chair by his desk, his hand atop a small wooden box that Damien hadn't noticed in the past.  Noreat got comfortable in his chair and nodded to Damien.

"What do you need?"

"I wanted to speak with you.  I am…growing concerned over your recent behavior," the magician said as gently as possible.

The King's already less than cheery expression shifted to become more vexed.

"My recent behavior?  I have done nothing out of the ordinary, Damien.  You are being over-protective," snapped the King.

No, Damien was fairly certain this was not his over-sensitivity getting the better of him.  There was something wrong with the King, and while Damien had this audience with him he would get the answers he wanted.  If the King needed help his people stood ready to aid him, except the vain man would not ask for help unless he was in dire need of it.

"Your Majesty I must respectfully disagree," Damien said rather firmly.  "I do not know what the letters from the King of Geofek said—"

"What do the letters have to do with anything?  They are nothing for you, and nothing I would allow you to read."

Why not?  What could be so important in those letters?  But arguing with the King over the letters would not get Damien the answers he wanted and he knew it.  Instead, he had to switch subjects and move back to his original point: the fact that Noreat was acting strangely.

"My King, you have been acting differently—more aggravated than usual.  I only state this because I am concerned.  What is bothering you?"

"Nothing is bothering me, why all this questioning?"  Hissed Noreat.  "There is no need for this interrogation, I am fine!"

The fact that he was already raising his voice meant that he was failing at lying—something Noreat never did.  When the King lied he lied like a master thief.  Silver-tongued, emotionless eyes, and a smile masking his venomous nature, and yet at the moment, all of his frustration was showing through.  The magician was very aware of the fact that he was overstepping his bounds as a bodyguard.  He was also very aware of how fiery Noreat's wrath was when angered enough.  But he also knew that this was serious and he had to get to the truth.  Hopefully this would not land him a stint in the Tower.

"Please, your Majesty—"

"Do tell me," the King folded his arms over his chest, "how has my behavior changed?"

The magician hesitated, trying to pick his words carefully, "well, you…"

"If it takes you this long to find an example you have to agree that there is nothing wrong," the King smiled like his coveted ferrins.

Damien took in sharp breath and hated the ill-constructed sentence that left his mouth.

"You have not had any guests recently…" the magician almost mumbled.

Noreat glared at Damien.  "What are you talking about?  I spoke with an ambassador just two days ago.  You are making things up now."

"You have not had any overnight guests!"  He might have raised his voice.

"Excuse me?" Noreat hissed, feeling his face flush with anger and something like embarrassment.

Damien hesitated, and for a moment the young King thought he might flee, but a second later the magician locked eyes with him.

"You have to admit that it is…very unlike you to go four months without a nighttime visitor," the bodyguard said markedly quieter than earlier.

"I have to admit nothing!  I am King and you are my bodyguard, you have no right to even bring up such a subject!"

"I do have the right if I feel that you are ill.  My duties are to keep you safe and healthy and all evidence presented by your recent behaviors indicate that you are, at least, not psychologically healthy."

"Since when did my psychological," Noreat spat the word back at Damien, "welfare even matter?  I am hardly an emotional mess, running around in a tizzy or weeping.  I am fine, and you will drop this subject and leave now."

"Your Majesty I must—"

Damien started to argue but suddenly one of Noreat's servants burst into the room.  Great, now he had someone weaker to direct all his rage at.  The King turned all his attention to the pretty Ynoizmo girl in the doorway.

"Did you forget protocol?" He snapped, "You are to knock first, girl!"

"I am sorry m'lord, but you said to inform you if the bird from Entity showed."

Everett was finally here?  Great God and Goddess it took the damn thing long enough!  Zephyr better have a good reason for making Noreat wait so long!  

"Where is he?"  Noreat demanded.

"Outside in the courtyard, but—!"

Noreat didn't care that her voice got quiet and didn't notice how a frightened shiver passed through her.  The young King forgot about his pointless argument with Damien and darted past the magician.  The servant got out of his way and he fled down the halls.  As he rushed through his palace, Noreat was acutely aware of the fact that Damien was following behind him.  Did the idiot really intend on continuing this conversation?  Noreat would just have to silence him as soon as he got his hands on Everett.  What had taken the stupid creature so long to fly here?  Usually Everett could make the trip from Entity to Dwal in less than a week, and yet this delivery took two months?!  It didn't matter at the moment; at least the bird was here.  A small smile danced onto Noreat's lips as he saw the courtyard just a few steps away.  He would grab Everett, snatch his letter, and…

Noreat skidded to a halt as he entered the courtyard.  There was a small crowd of servants running in circles, all of them confused and frightened.  Standing in the center of the courtyard, glaring straight at Noreat, was Titan.  Off to the side, one of the servants was holding Everett, who had an arrow running through his feathered chest.  Titan was injured too, an arrow in his left flank and another painfully sticking out of his stomach.  There were some bloody patches on Titan's fur in select places; maybe there had been more arrows?  The gryphon was obviously tired, he was gasping for breath and even though a servant had provided him with a bowl of water it looked as though the Titan hadn't drank a sip.  And instead of proudly folding his tired wings against his back, Titan let them fall to the ground, dropping sadly at his sides.  How long had the gryphon been flying for without break?  The King felt he should be furious, that he should be sad, and that he should be worried, but he couldn't lose his composure in front of all of his servants and Damien.  Instead, all of his emotions ran together and instead he just felt…cold, as if combining too many emotions turned them all off.

"King Noreat," Everett said, trying to squirm free of the servant who held him.

"Get a healer!"  Damien shouted behind Noreat.

The King went over to the servant holding Everett.  The creature was shuddering, his feathers plastered flat against his body.  It didn't look as if Everett had much time left.  Damien took the bird from the servant and tried his hand at healing the creature, but Damien was no Healing Magician.

"I have a message," the messenger explained dutifully.

Of course he did, why else would the hawk be here?  But Noreat felt his stomach twist, knowing that this wasn't the message he wanted.

"From the King…?"  Noreat asked very quietly.

"From the princess."

"He has no letter on him," Damien explained, running a hand over Everett's bare leg.

"Messengers traditionally speak the message.  Zephyr was only writing letters because he believed I would be uncomfortable talking to a bird," Noreat said flatly.  "What does Iridesia want?"  He asked the bird.

Everett made a soft whimpering noise.  Apparently that was not the command, and apparently the bird was trained so rigidly that it couldn't give Noreat Iridesia's message without that proper order.

"What am I supposed to say?"

"That you want me to relay the message," Everett begged.

Worry was starting to overwhelm all the other emotions colliding within Noreat.  He felt his hands shake, so he balled them into fists and folded them behind his back.  What sort of news would a dying messenger bring?  Nothing good, that was for sure.  Why would Iridesia send the messenger?  Zephyr couldn't be…

"Relay your message."

"There is no King of Geofek."

The King waited for more.  He waited for a ransom.  He waited for a description.  He waited for something more than just "there is no King of Geofek".  But Everett shut his beak, his dark eyes wide and staring at Noreat for some sort of reprieve from his pain.  Worry turned to panic, and Noreat's need for answers broke through the cold veil of emotionlessness he had been feeling just moments ago.  

"What, nothing else?  What happened?  What do you know?  You must have seen something!"  The King demanded.

"Your Majesty the creature is dying I do not think pressing him for answers will be beneficial for his health," Damien tried to explain.

"Tell me what happened now, messenger!"  Noreat ignored his bodyguard.

"I do not know!"  Everett shrieked.  "I was in my cage!"

"And then the princess released you?"

"Sire—" Damien attempted again.

"Be silent," Noreat snapped at the magician.  "You, bird, continue!"

"It wasn't the princess," Everett gasped.  "She was…it was one of the ferals.  She had almost red eyes.  She took me out of the cage and stuffed me in a bag.  When she pulled me out of the bag I was in a forest with another feral—he had wings and big eyes, and the princess—but she didn't look like herself.  The princess had Titan, and then she told me the message and sent Titan and I here.  But there were archers and there was fire…"

It only now occurred to Noreat that messengers were bred for a specific purpose: relaying messages.  Everett couldn't answer the questions that Noreat had asked because he didn't know how!  The hawk didn't know how to describe a situation or how to explain what he saw.  Noreat was lucky he got this much.  And what Everett had said gave the King almost no information!

"The winged feral gave a parcel to Titan," Everett's voice was weakening.

"That is enough," Damien demanded, taking the messenger away from Noreat and over to the healer.

Noreat had finished his investigation anyways!  It was very clear to him what had happened and why there had been such a long silence: Iridesia had usurped the throne.  She must have imprisoned Zephyr, which was why Noreat had received no letters.  The King knew that Iridesia was an irrational, self-centered bitch!  She did this to keep Zephyr away from Noreat and so she could be in charge of Geofek!  Noreat would not stand for this happening to his love!  He called over a servant.

"Tell the general I need a platoon of our best fighters, now!  You," he called over another servant, "I need my things packed and Damien's as well.  By tomorrow I want to be moving."

The servants nodded and rushed off a second later.  It would be bad form if Noreat brought his entire army to Iridesia's footsteps.  If Iridesia saw the King coming she could call upon her own army, and Noreat knew Geofek's forces were more than capable.  No, rescuing Zephyr would have to be a precise and tactical mission.  It would be a stealth mission, something quiet and quick.  His soldiers would move into the palace, capture Iridesia, light to heavy torturing for where Zephyr is, save his love, and then bring Zephyr back to Dwal where it was obviously markedly safer.

Everett had said something about a parcel.  Noreat spun on his heel and eyed Titan.  There was a bag hanging around his neck.  It was crudely fashioned, made from animal skins and decorated with colored beads.  Titan didn't fight with the King as he got close the gryphon.  Noreat very gently pet Titan's face, and instead of jerking away from him the gryphon shut his eyes and welcomed the soothing touch. Titan made a low chirping noise.  The creature sounded so weak…  He was injured, but he would probably live.  Everett…was a different story.  But the hawk died in service to his King—a noble endeavor.  Noreat would make sure Everett would be given a proper burial.

The King…hesitated as he reached for the parcel around Titan's neck.  War was ugly business, usurping a throne was ugly business, and those who dealt in such dark business did not send pretty gifts.  What would Iridesia have her bird feral lackey (Noreat was sure that was the winged feral Everett was talking about) send him?  Noreat knew that sometimes kidnappers and assassins cut off…limbs…as a warning.  What if Iridesia…  What if inside the parcel was one of Zephyr's fingers or toes?  What if it was a whole hand?  A whole hand that held Noreat's so warmly and cupped his cheek and ran through his hair and…  Deep breaths, I am stronger than this.  Iridesia may be foolish, but she would not tear her father apart just to take the throne.  …Or so he desperately hoped.

"Your Majesty," Damien appeared behind Noreat.  "Everett could not be saved."

A sad outcome, but it Noreat had expected it.  Still, the King nodded his head silently.  The bird would be given a proper burial and rites.  That would happen later.  Noreat had to see…he had to know what Iridesia had sent him as proof that Zephyr was no longer king.

One last calming breath.  Titan chirped sadly, resting his beak on Noreat's shoulder like he did with Zephyr.  The King's hands delved into parcel.  The inside was lined with soft fur—maybe rabbit—and then Noreat's fingers ran across something cold.  Bone?  Metal?  Rotting flesh?  Another breath, just to keep him from shivering, and he pulled whatever had been in the parcel.  Noreat's stomach sank into his toes.

"…We are going to Geofek.  Get your affairs and supplies in order, Damien," Noreat said in a bare whisper.

"What?  Why?"

Noreat turned around, in his hands was the King of Geofek's crown.
:la: TA DA! I managed to finish this one!

I know this chapter is short, but it was tricky to write. I originally wanted this scene to be much longer, but when I got to that last line I had to stop. So this scene has been split into two chapters. YOU MIND? :icontrollfaceplz:

I had a bit too much fun writing from Damien's perspective, and want to do it again! He's just such an agreeable fellow and doesn't mind me picking about his personality and mind. :nod: Some of this chapter feels a bit rushed to me, but this was another one of those scenes that I could have stared at for weeks and never have been fully satisfied. I'll fix it later. That's what editing is for! :dummy:

Poor Everett, I'm sorry you had to leave us so soon. But you died in service to Geofek and her King. Be proud, sweet hawk, and rest well with the spirits and Oras. :heart:

I also only recently learned that hawks are not royal birds. The nobility wouldn't use hawks, they were considered laypeople birds. Nobles and Royalty would use falcons as game hunters traditionally. This is because falcons kill their prey "honorably", by severing the spinal chord. Hawks kill their prey more "barbarically", by tearing out the innards with their claws. But even though I committed a dangerous faux pas, I didn't want to change Everett. I have come to the conclusion that Zephyr would use a barbaric bird like a red-tailed hawk to make him appear more threatening, so there! :evillaugh:

Mmm, I can't wait for the next handful of scenes. I simply adore writing high-emotion scenes. >:}

Because she is magnificent and amazing, :iconmistytang: drew me another beautiful illustration for this chapter! Take a look, I COMMAND YOU TO! --> [link] <--

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King Noreat, Damien, Dwal © :iconmistytang:
King Zephyr, Iridesia, Titan, Everett © Me
© 2011 - 2024 GrimReapette
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Tprinces's avatar
cliffhanger trolololololololololololol

I would leave a longer comment, but it would cut into my reading time :popcorn: