
Marvelous Creatures

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"I don't like them," Iridesia complained, bursting into Zephyr's office.

Zephyr had expected her to come barging in earlier, she was running behind.  The King looked to the three advisers crowding him.  They had been trying to persuade the old King to talk more to Noreat about his curious magician and even curiouser magic.

"Matta, matta," leave, leave, he instructed.

The advisers were somewhat reluctant to leave the room.  Like any good gossiper, they wanted to sit and listen in one whatever the Princess's grievances were.  Zephyr was not in the mood for their shenanigans and waved his hand towards the door.

"Matta shisk," Leave, now.

They scattered like chickens afraid of a fox waiting outside the coop.  Once they were gone Iridesia planted herself firmly in the chair across from her father.  This was going to be a long and less than enjoyable conversation from that determined scowl on her face.  She looked just like him when she scowled like that.

"And what, pray tell, could you find so reprehensible about our guests after only one evening of enduring them?"

"I don't know, but I don't like them all the same," Iridesia folded her arms stubbornly.

"You seemed to be getting along with the 'magician' quite well the other night," Zephyr raised his eyebrows.

"The magician is nice enough," Iridesia shrugged her shoulders, "perhaps he's genuine in his civility too.  But I don't like the King, the one you spent all night talking to."

A tired groan escaped the old King.  "You don't like him because he looks odd."

"That's only part of the point! The way he leers and how he watched you all evening!  Didn't you find any of his behavior at least mildly suspicious?"

"We were having a conversation, and it would be rude if he wasn't looking at me."

"He didn't have to leer."

"He didn't leer," the old King mimicked his daughter's sharp affect.

"Hmph," she grumbled and turned away from the King.  

She didn't like it when he disagreed with her.  Recently she had taken to ignoring him before allowing a true argument to begin.  Zephyr hated it when they argued, but hated being ignored even more.  Letting a calming sigh escape him, the King leaned forward against his desk.

"What would you have me do, Iri?"

At the mention of her old nickname the girl softened.  She relaxed in her chair and let something that could be misconstrued for a smile, grace her lips.  Iridesia looked more like her mother when she smiled like that.  She looked almost exactly like his late wife, in all aspects except for her sharp almond colored eyes.  Those she stole from her father.

"I don't know.  But I don't think we should rush into an alliance with foreigners from places we've never heard of and with magic completely alien to us.  All of the savant elementalists I've spoken too can't even fathom the idea of moving over great distances using magic, and no seal tracer has ever been able to create a rune with that type of potential.  It just seems…as though the advisers are grasping at a very interesting, and probably worthwhile opportunity, but haven't considered the risks," Iridesia said carefully.

"Such as our new allies betraying us at some point."

"It's happened before, father."

An undoubtedly true statement, Iridesia hadn't let all her childhood history lessons move in one ear and out the other.  Zephyr steepled his fingers and pressed them to his lips.  She had an excellent point, and one that he and his advisers had neglected to consider.

"I don't want anyone getting hurt over rash decisions made over night," the princess's voice rang in Zephyr's ears.

"It would not be made over night," the old King defended, "but I will make sure to remember your warning.  Don't let these thoughts trouble you."

Iridesia's expression shifted back to a harsh glare.

"You can't just expect me to live in ignorant bliss!"

"I never said to," Zephyr snapped, causing the girl to take a more defensive pose in her seat.  "I simply meant that I don't want you to lose sleep over these ideas.  I'll handle the negotiations, you play nice with the guests."

"But father--"

"This conversation is over, Iridesia."

The princess's dainty hands curled into weak fists clinging to the arms of her chair.  She tried to glare the King into restarting the conversation, but it was now Zephyr's turn to ignore his daughter.  Iridesia scoffed and flew out of the room like an enraged sparrow a moment later.

Not even two seconds after Iridesia left, Zephyr's advisers started to creep back into the room.  The old King was no longer in the mood to discuss politics and plans.  As the advisers started to chatter like excited children a headache started to bloom behind his eyes.  The elder King cursed under his breath and ordered his advisers out.  On cue, they had to ask why they were being ordered out and why Zephyr didn't want to get back to his duties.  They knew how to get Zephyr to work, all they had to do was mention that he was shirking his responsibilities and he would sit right back down to complete whatever assignment the damn advisers gave him.  Not today.  Since his advisers would rather argue and cackle amongst themselves, Zephyr would have to find a quieter place to nurse his new headache.  He pushed back away from his desk, got out of his chair, and stomped out of his office.  The advisers knew better than to follow him when he stomped about like that.

Now to pick a safe haven, free of advisers, servants, Iridesia, and anyone else who could possibly want to talk to him right this second.  The Main Hall would be empty, since it was mainly used for greeting guests and holding large affairs.  But that room was large and cold, and Zephyr would only feel lonely and depressed sitting in his throne with nothing to do.  The gardens might be safe, but there was always the chance that Iridesia had sought her own refuge there.  The King headed for the stables beside the gardens instead.  While they weren't the quietest of places, they were serene enough for him.  At midday few would wander there, since the animals would have been fed and groomed earlier.  Not many liked the company of gryphons, save for the few handlers and trainers, and of course, men like Zephyr.

Just as Zephyr had expected, the stables were devoid of anyone with the capacity to speak to him.  Safe and free from prying eyes, Zephyr pulled his crown, cape, and medallion necklace off.  He folded them all up carefully and stashed them in a side room next to one of the stables, where personal affects like these could be left while riding.  Once everything was put in its proper place, Zephyr acquired a saddle and halter and went over to one of the stalls.

"Hello old friend," he murmured to the creature resting within.

Titan, a golden eagle and leopard gryphon jumped to his talons and paws to greet his master.  The gryphon let out a chirp and rested his big head on the door to his stall.  Zephyr let his hands run over the gryphon's face, his fingers delighting in feeling one of their favorite sensations.  Titan purred lowly, enjoying the attention and free preening as Zephyr pulled a few specks of dust or hay from his feathers.

"You've not been bathed recently," the old King noted.

Titan snorted and clawed at the door that kept him caged.  He did not wish to hear about how dirty he was or if he smelled.  The beast knew that if Zephyr was here that meant he was going to get out of his pen for an hour at least.  Something like a low laugh eased out of Zephyr and he wouldn't deny the creature his moment of freedom.  The King secured the harness around Titan's head and then opened the gate.  Titan trotted out with a happy chirp and stretched his limbs in preparation.

"Marvelous creatures you have here too," a newly familiar voice called from the other side of the stables.

King Zephyr hated himself for looking over his shoulder to see the young King Noreat standing outside the stables, peering in at the gryphons with unbridled interest.  Be nice.  Be nice.  Well, at least the headache had abated by now.

"Thank you."

King Noreat swept into the stables but stopped short of Titan.  The gryphon ruffled his dark brown feathers, bright gold eyes pinned to the unfamiliar human advancing towards him.  Noreat was no fool, and Zephyr wouldn't have the strength (even in his youth) to hold Titan back should the creature get aggressive.

"Shh," Zephyr pet the side of Titan's neck to get his attention, "baal nefra," he murmured to the beast.

Titan hesitated, but finally relaxed and rested his big head on Zephyr's shoulder.  The older King nodded to Noreat.

"He won't attack you."

"Are you quite positive?"  Noreat's smile was slightly twisted.  "I don't think he is quite fond of me."

"Titan is only really fond of me," Zephyr admitted, "but he won't attack you, not when I've told him not you."

"Is that what you murmured to him?"  The younger King asked, cautiously tiptoeing closer to Titan and Zephyr.

"...I told him something along those lines, yes."

Noreat halted and planted himself a good five feet from Titan.

"Now what did you really instruct the beast to do?"

"Not to eat you," smirked Zephyr.

Noreat considered that for a moment, and then nodded, bridging that final gap of space between him and Titan.  Titan fanned out his wings slightly, bringing them closer to Zephyr.

"He seems to think I'm your enemy," Noreat pointed out.

"Mm," Zephyr scratched the side of Titan's face and the creature relaxed again.  "What brings you to this side of the palace, King Noreat?"

"I was roaming your gardens, actually," Noreat's voice was lower, his ice blue eyes still taking in the gryphon in front of him.  "They're quite lovely."

"Thank you."

Zephyr had the gardens designed for Iridesia's fifth birthday.  When the child saw her gift she went racing straight into the foliage in one of her best dresses and shoes.  They could not be salvaged.

Tentatively, Noreat extended one of his white hands towards Titan.  The gryphon pulled his head off Zephyr's shoulder and stared down the offending limb.  Noreat instantly recoiled the hand.  As curious as he was, he was not curious enough to risk losing his hand.

"Try moving slower," the older King advised.

There was a flash of suspicion on Noreat's eyes.  Zephyr wrapped a hand around the harness.

"If you move slowly he won't bite."

"And how many servants have walked away handless due to that advice?"

Zephyr pretended to count in his head, making Noreat's suspicion turn his smile into a frown.

"None," the old King reported a second later.  "If you don't show fear to them, they won't take advantage of you."

Noreat raised his eyebrows and then turned his attention back to Titan.  The gryphon was still watching the unknown man beside him.  As soon as Noreat brought up his hand Titan twitched, his talons and claws scratching against the earth beneath them.

"Slowly, like trying to touch water without making a ripple."

"I don't believe that's possible," Noreat retorted.

"Have you ever tried?"

Another pause to consider the question.  Noreat hesitated and continued to bring his hand closer to Titan.  Bright yellow eyes tracked the almost snow white hand as it inched closer, and closer, and closer…until Noreat's fingers brushed against Titan's neck.  No reaction from the gryphon.  In fact, Titan was busy sharpening his beak against his talons.  A quick breath for courage, and Noreat's palm flattened against Titan's neck.  Still no reaction from Titan.  Finally, Noreat managed to brush his hand up and down the gryphon's neck without fear of losing his hand.  A laugh that could have been judged as proud slipped from Zephyr's mouth.


One of the few true smiles Zephyr had seen on Noreat appeared on his face now.  The young King let out a triumphant laugh and moved his hands down Titan's back, to where the feathers turned to yellow fur.

"Well, I'll admit that you do know your animals," commented the young King.

"Hopefully I know my gryphon by now.  Titan is almost as old as Iridesia now."

Titan was also just as picky with what he ate as Iridesia was.

Noreat was too busy being fascinated by Titan to listen properly.  Riding still wasn't out of the question, and perhaps Zephyr could...create something like a friendly bridge between he and Noreat with an offer.

"Would you like to ride him?"

The way Noreat's face lit up when the question left Zephyr's mouth was enough to warm the old King's heart.  Noreat's gentle smile almost turned to an excited grin.

"Can one truly ride these?"

"Of course, they're far smarter, faster and stronger than any horse.  The saddle is leaning against the stable door, if you'll get it I'll show you how."

Zephyr didn't think Noreat was able to contain himself, and had expected the younger King to dart over to the saddle.  But Noreat was constantly full of intriguing surprises, and he was able to hold his excitement in while he strode over to the saddle and picked it up.  The two Kings walked Titan out of the stables and into the riding pen a few feet away.  Zephyr hooked a set of reins onto Titan's harness and then instructed Noreat on how to put the saddle on the gryphon's back.  Titan never put up a fight with the saddle.  Some of the other gryphons did, but Titan knew better.  Once the saddle was on Zephyr demonstrated for Noreat how to get onto it.  One foot through the stirrup, throw your body over the beasts back, slip your other foot into the stirrup, and you're on.  Once the old King steadied on Titan's back, and as soon as Noreat handed the reins to Zephyr the gryphon cawed and jumped into the pen.  Zephyr coughed uncomfortably as he wasn't prepared for Titan to start with a jump.

"You could have warned me," he murmured to the gryphon.

Titan snapped his beak and trotted around the pen with his wings fanned out.

"No flying today," Zephyr reminded the beast.

A sad chirp/mewl came from Titan, but he did as he was instructed.  After a few minutes of running around the pen Zephyr brought Titan back over to Noreat, got off the gryphon's back, and bade the younger King over.  As Noreat hopped into the riding pen Titan growled.

"Shh, be kind," Zephyr ordered.

Titan hissed an insult at the King, but did as he was told and let Noreat onto his back without (much of) a fight.  The beast was especially depressed when Zephyr walked the gryphon by his reins in the pen.  This was not the outing Titan had come to expect from Zephyr, and was sorely disappointed with him.  But still, the gryphon didn't attempt to throw Noreat or even break away from Zephyr.  He got to be a pretty show gryphon today.

"I must have one of these before I return home," Noreat requested.

Gryphon's generally weren't given away as gifts, but Zephyr shrugged and nodded slightly.  If negotiations went well giving Noreat a gryphon would be seen as a gesture of good faith, and yet another way to seal the two Kings as strong allies.  

"That could easily be arranged," the older King admitted.

Noreat ran his fingers through the feathers on Titan's wings.  Titan hissed at him and folded them flat against his sides.

"They don't like their wings being touched," Zephyr explained.

"Duly noted," the young King nodded, "who first thought to tame such things?"

Zephyr hesitated.  It was one of the few bits of history he truly didn't know.  

"Gryphons have always been our symbol, and wild ones live all over the Sunspire Mountains."  

The old king pointed to the jagged earth to the West, spiraling straight into the sky in a desperate attempt to skewer the clouds.  Noreat nodded, his black as midnight hair shimmering like raven's feathers in the sunlight.  Noreat would have fit in wonderfully in Volusia.  The Fanged would have found him a beautiful prize, perfect by their standards.  Not to say that the eccentric young man was by any means ugly.  He was...handsome...  Odd thoughts.  Best not to dwell on those.

Soon enough Titan was getting fussy, and had to be put away.  Noreat thanked Zephyr a number of times for showing him the gryphon, which only made Zephyr laugh a bit more now.

"It was no trouble," the old King smiled.

"It was still amazing, and I can't thank you enough," Noreat continued.

Zephyr clapped a hand on Noreat's shoulder.  He didn't notice how Noreat's smile turned sly.

"Enough, enough.  Too much praise will inflate my ego," Zephyr claimed.

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Noreat's fingers ran across Zephyr's hand.  An odd shiver ran up the hand and danced along Zephyr's spine.  It was similar to the one yesterday at dinner.  Zephyr forced out a gentle laugh and then slowly pulled his hand away.  The two continued with light conversation while Zephyr walked Noreat back to his guest mansion.

"Will I see you at dinner?"  Noreat asked as he headed for the door.

"I have nowhere else to be."

The young King flashed another true smile and slipped inside the mansion.  Zephyr couldn't remember the last time he was so excited to go dinner.
What do you mean I should have been doing my Hebrew and Slipstream homework all day today? Don't be silly now, that's not what school time is for! Don't you people with your heads full of eyes judge me!

So, after Iridesia barges in on Zephyr doing OFFICIAL THINGS we have Zephyr running off to chill with his favorite pet. I don't know if in Noreat's world there are gryphons, but there aren't anymore la la la la la you can't tell me different!

Hey, kids, HEY! HEY LISTEN! Misty illustrated this!
Part 1: [link]
Part 2: [link]

There's nothing else left to say, other than I love this pairing and everything is right in the world because of it.

Next: [link]
Previous: [link]

King Noreat © :iconmistytang:
King Zephyr, Iridesia, Titan, Story © Me
© 2011 - 2024 GrimReapette
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sheworlds's avatar
Eeeeeee, I love this.  The pacing is just lush, and I really like the dynamic between Zephyr and Iridesia.  (Also all of these names are just lush - I could say them forevers, I just love the way they roll off my tongue!)  But eeeee, I'm really enjoying this.  You guys have taken really classic, lovely fantastical archetypes and infused something unique and wonderful that totally grounds this universe and lore.  

I already love the little thrills Zephyr's begun to experience being in Noreat's company, and I really like that these moments are happening within the little hints at worldbuilding.  Gryphons, YAY!  And I just love Zephyr instructing Noreat on how to approach Titan.  I'm taking these installments bit by bit - I don't want to devour them too quickly because then it'll be over! (WEEPS).  Lovely. :)